Bulletin – Season’s Greetings and Solidarity

Season’s greetings and solidarity to all our members in the K-12 Sector. We hope you’ll be able to enjoy some well-deserved holiday time safely with family, friends, and your communities.

We thank you for your on-going support and solidarity through what has been another often-challenging year.  We want to commend all of you for your dedication to the province’s students by providing a healthy, clean, and safe high-quality public education system.

We wish you and your family the best this holiday season and look forward to continuing our work together in 2022.

In Peace & Solidarity,

K-12 Presidents Council Executive & Sector Coordinators

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Bulletin – Last week to fill out your provincial bargaining survey

The deadline to fill out your provincial bargaining survey is quickly approaching. This survey is your chance to have a say on the priorities of your provincial bargaining committee as they prepare for negotiations.

The deadline is DECEMBER 17 – So please CLICK HERE today to fill out your survey TODAY!

It should only take about 15-20 minutes of your time. Your answers will be kept confidential, and they will be invaluable to your bargaining committee. The results will also be shared with your Local to help inform bargaining at your Local table. We want to hear your voice!

Update from the provincial bargaining committee

The provincial bargaining committee includes representatives from all regions of B.C. and helped develop the provincial bargaining survey for members. The committee has also been meeting regularly virtually over the past two months in preparation for bargaining, expected to start in early February 2022.

With the assistance of CUPE’s union education branch, committee members have taken part in bargaining training and strategic planning sessions. With varied levels of bargaining experience, the training sessions helped get all committee members up to speed on what to expect at the provincial bargaining table.

The committee members also contributed to strategic bargaining plan. This process included taking a in depth look at the current state of the province’s K-12 sector including the on-going issues and challenges facing our members and planning out the roles and responsibilities of all committee members to make this round of bargaining a true team effort.

Strategic planning also includes a communications plan focused on providing K-12 members timely updates throughout bargaining process and strengthening communications channels to members across the province (via Locals sending out and posting bargaining bulletins, social media etc.).

The next step for the bargaining committee will be to evaluate the bargaining survey results and begin developing bargaining proposals. This work will begin early in the New Year.

The provincial bargaining committee thanks all K-12 members who have already filled out their surveys and reminds all members to have their voice heard by taking part in this important work.

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Bulletin – Important update on COVID asymptomatic self-isolation leaves in K-12 sector

Public health has recently removed the requirement to self-isolate after an exposure for those who have been fully vaccinated. As a result, BCPSEA has just advised the K-12 Presidents Council that the without prejudice and without precedent general paid leave previously available for asymptomatic staff members who are required to isolate due to a COVID-19 exposure will be ending as of December 31, 2021, subject to the following conditions:

The general paid leave is being discontinued for employees who can be vaccinated but have chosen not to receive the vaccination. After January 1, 2022, an unvaccinated asymptomatic employee who is required to isolate because they have been exposed to COVID-19 will be placed on an unpaid leave of absence.

An employee who has medical documentation from a practitioner substantiating a medical exemption from vaccination, as recognized by the Provincial Health Officer as being a contraindication to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, would still be eligible for the paid leave.

Employees who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine due to a reason other than a medical condition, that they believe would otherwise entitle them to an accommodation under the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, may be asked for additional information to substantiate that request to be eligible for the paid leave.

Please contact your National Representative if you have any further questions regarding this matter.

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Bulletin – Fill out your K-12 provincial bargaining survey TODAY!

With bargaining for the K-12 Provincial Framework Agreement approaching, your Provincial Bargaining Committee needs your input on bargaining priorities.

We are asking you to please CLICK HERE to fill out this survey.

It should only take about 15-20 minutes of your time. This survey is your chance to have a say on the priorities of your Provincial Bargaining Committee.

Some survey questions that are included are personal in nature.  This is so that we can gain a better understanding of the demographics and needs of our membership and more effectively ensure that employers respect your rights.

All answers will be kept CONFIDENTIAL by CUPE, and they WILL NOT be shared with the employer or any other union members.

The Provincial Bargaining Committee includes representatives from all regions of B.C. and has developed this survey for all K-12 support staff across the province. The survey results will provide guidance for the Provincial Bargaining Committee as we develop our bargaining proposals.

Your answers will be kept confidential, and they will be invaluable to your bargaining committee. The results will also be shared with your Local to help inform bargaining at your Local table. We want to hear your voice!

The survey will be open until December 17, 2021.

You can access the survey here: survey-sondage.cupe.ca/index.php/664693

Thank you in advance from your Provincial Bargaining Committee!

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Bulletin – Flood response impacts to K-12 education sector

Last week’s flooding and mudslides continue to impact CUPE members, our workplaces and our communities. As part of the province’s emergency response, a state-of-emergency has been declared that includes restrictions on travel and fuel. Non-essential travel along severely damaged highways is restricted. There is also a 30-litre limit to retail fuel purchases in southwestern B.C. More information on the state-of-emergency and provincial restriction orders is available on the BC government website.

The 30-litre purchase limit per visit applies to all essential and non-essential workers in the Lower Mainland (Vancouver to Hope), Sea to Sky (Squamish to Pemberton), Sunshine Coast, Gulf Islands, and Vancouver Island.

The Ministry of Education is prioritizing keeping students and staff safe and maintaining in-class instruction. Given restrictions on travel and fuel purchases, however, the Ministry is encouraging school districts to have workers who can work from home during the state-of-emergency. Districts are also encouraged to defer all meetings and events that can’t be held virtually. School districts directly impacted by non-essential travel restrictions and road closures are working to find alternate transport options to reduce traffic, such as inter-region shuttle busses.

School district vehicles, such as buses, are exempt from the 30-litre limit. Branded vehicles that need to purchase retail fuel will be able to do so. Unbranded school district vehicles will require a letter of certification to purchase retail fuel beyond the 30-litre limit (these letters will be issued by school districts shortly).

All workers that continue to work in schools and other K-12 system workplaces in southwest B.C. are encouraged to carpool, use public transportation or other alternate transport options whenever possible.

The Ministry of Education has prepared a Q&A on the impact of the fuel and travel restrictions on the K-12 system,   and online at bcschools.cupe.ca.

CUPE BC Disaster Relief Fund

CUPE BC has established a Disaster Relief Fund to support CUPE members impacted by the recent catastrophic floods and mudslides.

Any CUPE members in B.C. experiencing hardship due to recent floods are invited to apply for CUPE BC funding support through their Local.

All CUPE Locals and District Councils in B.C. are encouraged to contribute to the Disaster Relief Fund if they are able.

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