Bulletin #43 – Ensuring application and enforcement of K-12 COVID-19 Safety Plans

On May 14, 2020, the Provincial Health Officer issued an order requiring all employers to post a copy of their Workplace COVID-19 Safety Plan at their worksite and, where applicable, on their website.

The order states that the COVID-19 Safety Plan must be “readily available for review by
workers, other persons who may attend at the workplace to provide services and members of the public.”

Joint Health & Safety Committee role and upcoming survey

A COVID-19 Safety Plan has been developed for every school. Your workplace site or district Joint Health and Safety Committee(s) has a critical role in enforcing the COVID-19 Safety Plan, preventing and investigating violence in the workplace, and keeping you safe while at work.

In order to support CUPE worker representatives in their important role on Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC), we will be circulating a provincial Health and Safety survey in January. This survey comes from the provincial joint Health & Safety Taskforce negotiated in the Provincial Framework Agreement.

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