CUPE 748 seeks mediation in Kootenay Lake School District

NELSON – CUPE K-12 Local 748 applied for mediation through the Labour Relations Board today to assist in reaching a collective agreement with School District 8 (Kootenay Lake). The local has had 12 bargaining sessions with the District since April 4.

CUPE 748 President Michelle Bennett said that they view involving a mediator as a positive step towards reaching an agreement.

“Bargaining affects not only our members, but their families,” said Bennett. “We hope mediation leads to an agreement that everyone can be proud of.”

The Local represents 412 K-12 support workers. They provide a wide variety of services that support students, that include Education Assistants, Youth Care Workers, Indigenous Support Workers, Custodians, Trades, Clerical, Maintenance, IT, Administrative Support, and Bus Drivers. They support students in the communities of Crawford Bay, Creston, Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Nelson, Salmo, Slocan, Winlaw, Wynndel, and Yahk.

Mediation paves way for CUPE 409 to achieve K-12 agreement

NEW WESTMINSTER — CUPE 409, K-12 support workers, reached a new tentative agreement with SD40 (New Westminster) this week using mediation services at the Labour Relations Board.

The initial agreement reached on June 12 was ratified by the local but not accepted by the British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA), so it was not ratified.

“This was the same deal we signed on June 12 with some minor language amendments,” said CUPE 409 President Marcel Marsolais. “We added a Service Enhancement Day to focus on maximizing and providing improved services for students and to increase collaboration with our education partners.”

Marsolais noted that the agreement with the school district satisfies the mandate from CUPE 409 members.

“Our members were preparing to take job action and we are pleased that we avoided this through mediation,” said Marsolais. “This further emphasizes the harmonious relationship we have with the Board of Education.”

Further details of the tentative agreement will not be available until after ratification by all parties. Ratification is expected to be completed on November 5. This settlement brings the number of CUPE locals that have reached tentative agreements to 53, with four locals still in the bargaining process. The deadline to reach agreement under the provincial framework agreement is November 30, 2019.

CUPE 409 represents 439 K-12 education workers in the New Westminster School District.

CUPE K-12 Local 441 serves strike notice in Saanich

SAANICH — CUPE Local 441 served 72-hour strike notice to School District 63 today, following two unsuccessful mediation sessions in October. They will start job action on Monday, October 28 at 5:45 am.

“Our local is profoundly disappointed that we were unable to come to an agreement and we are available to meet with the employer any time, 24/7,” said Coates. “Our goal was always to reach an agreement that addresses members’ needs without disrupting students and families in Saanich.”

CUPE 441 President Dean Coates said that the local was unable to reach an agreement that addresses the longstanding concerns of their members. Workers in School District 63 (Saanich) have received substantially lower wages than their counterparts in Sooke and Victoria for decades and want comparable wages with other districts on the South Island.

The local bargained with the employer on six occasions and participated in two sessions with a mediator in an attempt to reach an agreement. A large number of members voted in August with an overwhelming majority voting to take job action if necessary.

CUPE 441 members provide a wide variety of services that support students. Members include Education Assistants, Technical Support staff, Library Techs, Youth and Family Counsellors, Clerical, Custodial, Grounds, Maintenance, Transportation, Trades and District support staff. The local represents almost 500 K-12 support staff workers in SD63 (Saanich).


CUPE 389 K-12 workers reach tentative agreement with SD44

NORTH VANCOUVER — CUPE 389 reached a tentative agreement on Thursday, October 3 following seven bargaining sessions with School District 44 in a marathon session with both parties committed to finding common ground.

“It took a lot of effort and persistence to resist concessions,” said CUPE 389 President Cindy McQueen. “I’m proud of our members for standing strong and our bargaining committee’s commitment that led to gains rather than concessions. Both parties are pleased to jointly recommend ratification.”

The K-12 Provincial Framework Agreement was approved by the K-12 Presidents Council in September and forms part of the tentative agreement. The current K-12 agreement expired on June 30, 2019. When ratified by CUPE locals and school districts, the provincial agreement will be in effect from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022.

Further details of the tentative agreement will not be available until after ratification by all parties, expected to be completed by the end of October.

CUPE 389 represents 1,100 K-12 workers in North Vancouver at SD44. CUPE 389 members, who provide a wide variety of services that support students, include Education Assistants, Bus Drivers, Youth Engagement Workers, Indigenous Support Workers, Custodians, Trades, Clerical, Maintenance, IT, and Administrative Support. The composite local also represents workers at the City and District of North Vancouver, public libraries in the City and District, North Vancouver Recreation Commission, Northlands Golf Course, and the Village of Lions Bay.