Updated information for K-12

The provincial Steering Committee has developed a Q&A document to assist school districts in implementing the recent updates to the Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings regarding mask requirements. The Ministry has developed a new infographic poster for K-12 staff on ways to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in schools and a French-language version of the guidelines is now available.

5 ways to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in your school

Updated Provincial Guidelines-QA

K-12 COVID-19 Health & Safety guidelines

French – K-12 COVID-19 Health & Safety guidelines

Addendum Public Health Guidance K-12

Bulletin 62 – Learning from the pandemic, planning for the future

Bus drivers from across BC took part in the first of a series of virtual meetings for CUPE members in the K-12 public education system. Calling in from communities across the province, bus drivers shared their experiences on the job during the pandemic, discussed common issues in their workplaces, and looked forward with ideas on the upcoming round of K-12 bargaining.

Over two dozen CUPE members participated in the Zoom meeting. The discussion touched on a wide range of issues including bus safety – both from the perspective of COVID-19 protection measures in school buses, and continued concerns over road safety. Meeting participants also discussed issues they’d like to see addressed in the next round of provincial collective bargaining.

These Zoom calls — hosted by the CUPE K-12 Presidents Council and CUPE National staff — will continue through-out April and May. CUPE K-12 members are encouraged to take part in this an exciting opportunity to hear from others who do the same or similar work, and to share information and priorities.

How to register

Each call has a unique Zoom link which will take you to a separate Zoom registration form. You must register for each call you wish to attend.

If you happen to click on the wrong link do not complete the information, instead go back to the call listings and click on the correct link. Making your selection will take you to a simple form. When you click “Submit”, a unique Zoom link to register for the meeting you have selected will open in a new window. You will receive an email with your call information after you register. If you have any problem, please email: closito@cupe.ca

 April 13     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Clerical/Administrative

April 15     Noon – 2 pm        Custodians, Caretakers, Building Service Workers, and similar classifications
5:30 – 7:30 pm    (Choose one of two options.)

April 20     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working in the Okanagan and Kootenays

April 22     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working in Northern B.C.  

April 27     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working on Vancouver Island and in island communities

April 29     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley

May 4        5:30 – 7:30 pm    Indigenous Support Workers, Youth and Family Workers, Library Support Staff and other direct student support classifications

May 6        5:30 – 7:30 pm    IT, Tech Support, Technicians, and similar classifications

May 11     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Labourers, Grounds and Maintenance

May 13     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Meal Program Staff & Supervisors, including noon hour, Crossing Guards & others

May 17     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Strong Start, ECEs, and similar classifications

May 18 5:30 – 7:30 pm        Trades

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Bulletin 61 – Join the conversation and share your priorities about your work and public education

CUPE members in British Columbia’s K-12 (including early years) public education system are invited to participate in a series of consultation and planning calls set to begin in early April. These Zoom calls — hosted by the CUPE K-12 Presidents Council and CUPE National staff — are an important and exciting opportunity for members to hear from others who do the same or similar work, and to share information and priorities.

We know that each district might have different job titles/positions, so please choose the one that relates closest to yours. We have set up these calls to be inclusive of everyone in a focussed and informative conversation.


Each call has a unique Zoom link which will take you to a separate Zoom registration form. You must register for each call you wish to attend.

If you happen to click on the wrong link do not complete the information, instead go back to the call listings and click on the correct link. Making your selection will take you to a simple form. When you click “Submit”, a unique Zoom link to register for the meeting you have selected will open in a new window. You will receive an email with your call information after you register. If you have any problems, please email: closito@cupe.ca.

You can register using the embedded links below or on the bcschools.cupe.ca home page.


April 8       5:30 – 7:30 pm    Bussing

April 13     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Clerical/Administrative

April 15     Noon – 2 pm        Custodians, Caretakers, Building Service Workers, and similar classifications
5:30 – 7:30 pm      (Choose one of two options.)

April 20     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working in the Okanagan and Kootenays

April 22     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working in Northern B.C.  

April 27     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working on Vancouver Island and in island communities

April 29     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs, and similar classifications
working in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley

May 4        5:30 – 7:30 pm    Indigenous Support Workers, Youth and Family Workers, Library Support Staff and other direct student support classifications

May 6        5:30 – 7:30 pm    IT, Tech Support, Technicians, and similar classifications

May 11     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Labourers, Grounds and Maintenance

May 13     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Meal Program Staff & Supervisors, including noon hour, Crossing Guards & others

May 17     5:30 – 7:30 pm    Strong Start, ECEs, and similar classifications

May 18   5:30 – 7:30 pm      Trades

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Bulletin 60 – Making progress on standardized EA credentials

CUPE is making exciting progress on standardizing EA credentials across the province. As negotiated in the Provincial Framework Agreement (PFA), CUPE will continue to work toward standardization of education assistant credentials and qualifications to prevent school districts from creating in-house EA qualification programs as short as two weeks in length.

Benefits of standardization

Credential standardization will increase EA hours to full-time where possible and desired. As well, it will increase classification and compensation of EAs in the public education system, ensuring that EAs are appropriately educated and equipped to provide high level assistance that will ensure the safety of students and EAs.

Key objectives of working with the Ministry

In addition to the negotiated terms and the continued work of the provincial committees, CUPE has been advocating to standardize EA credentials with the Ministry of Education. On behalf of CUPE EAs, we will continue this dialogue in the months to come.

One of our key objectives is to have standardized provincial education requirements for EAs established, with credentials offered exclusively through public post-secondary institutions.

Experienced EAs who are already working should have the opportunity to participate in additional education if desired, but this should not be mandatory for EAs with experience. We understand that the Ministry of Education recognizes the need for these improvements to the education system and will partner with CUPE on implementing these goals. This process will require time to ensure that a system for standardizing EA credentials is well-structured and robust.

Position paper makes our case

CUPE Research and National Staff have compiled a position paper titled “Standard Credentials for Education Assistants.” This paper outlines CUPE’s goals for credential standardization, asserts jurisdiction on the topic, and makes recommendations.

This position has been informed and developed over the past number of years with input from CUPE K-12 members throughout B.C., committees struck through the PFA, and CUPE National Research.


  • Supporting diverse learners with complex challenges and needs requires adequate staffing levels and appropriate education
  • More EAs supporting students with diverse needs and behavioural challenges are needed
  • Education programs for EAs and EA qualification requirements established by school districts vary widely
  • Offering standardized education programs and qualifications through public post-secondary institutions is the best way to ensure comprehensive, accessible, transferable education based on best practices and current research
  • Compensation for EAs needs to be increased
  • Better wages will increase EA retention and recruitment


Upcoming classification calls for Education Assistants, SSWs, CEAs and similar classifications will be an opportunity to consult on priorities for standardizing EA credentials and to discuss the position paper.

Okanagan & Kootenays
April 20th  5:30-7:30 pm

Northern B.C.
April 22nd  5:30-7:30 p

Vancouver Island &
in island communities

April 27th  5:30 – 7:30 pm

Metro Vancouver & Fraser Valley
April 29th  5:30 – 7:30 pm

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Bulletin 59 – New pandemic restrictions announced

As we welcome our members in public education back from spring break, we are unfortunately faced with deeply concerning trends in COVID-19 cases. According to Health Minister Adrian Dix, “rising case levels, variants of concern, increased transmission, and an increase in more severe cases are huge concerns.”

The Provincial Health Officer (PHO) amended several orders and guidelines to address the rising trends and announced that effective immediately all schools in B.C. will be requiring masks be worn at all times for everyone in schools Grades 4 and higher. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 3 will be strongly recommended to wear masks.

This requirement mirrors the order already announced in Surrey – School District 36. While the BCCDC continues to advise that masking remains the lowest form of protection on the hierarchy of protective intervention measure, this is welcome news to supplement other safety measures already required by the K-12 Provincial Guidelines and school district COVID Safety Plans.

The full list of new and amended orders can be found at the BC government website.

Pausing vaccination using AstraZeneca

Due to safety concerns, Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) is recommending provinces pause the use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine on people under the age of 55. Most provinces have announced that they would follow this guidance that will allow time for a NACI requested risk-benefit profile from AstraZeneca. BCCDC states that this should not significantly affect the vaccination roll-out for the K-12 sector.

The change comes following reports of very rare instances of blood clots in some immunized patients in Europe — notably among younger women. But 300,000 of these shots have already been administered in Canada, with no reports of blood clots here according to officials.

According to news reports, NACI vice-chair Dr. Shelley Deeks says that due to “substantial uncertainty” around these cases, the committee is recommending the suspension of shots in all people under 55 as a “precautionary measure.”

The blood clotting problem has not been reported in people who have received mRNA vaccines like the Pfizer and Moderna products.

What does this mean for CUPE members…

We know some of our members have already received this vaccine and may be concerned.

The NACI says vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia (VIPIT) resulting from the AstraZeneca vaccine appears to be extremely rare, occurring in anywhere from 1-in-125,000 to 1-in-1 million people. It also appears that if VIPIT occurs, it will be within 20 days of receiving the vaccine.

Despite this rarity, Health Canada advises that you should seek immediate medical attention if you develop any of the following symptoms after vaccination with AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine or COVISHIELD:

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • leg swelling
  • persistent abdominal pain
  • sudden onset of severe or persistent worsening headaches
  • blurred vision that starts several days after vaccination
  • skin bruising or pinpoint round spots (other than at the site of vaccination) which starts a few days or more after vaccination

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