Bulletin – Learning Improvement Fund allocations for the 2024-25 school year are now available

LIF provides an ongoing multi-year commitment from the provincial government for additional resources to the K-12 public education system, specifically targeted to support students with diverse needs.

All B.C. School Districts are required to engage in genuine consultation with locals on how its LIF allocation will be used. School districts must meet with locals, and report back to the B.C. Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) by June 7, 2024.

For it to be a genuine consultation the district must meet with the school support staff union local in an honest and respectful manner. Consultations between respective school districts and locals must:

  • consider background information, including the amount of the LIF available to the district,
  • make appropriate suggestions for use of the LIF,
  • be able to express opinions freely,
  • carefully listen to differing points of view,
  • give input about suitable alternate options,
  • thoughtfully address concerns raised by the other party.

School districts are required to confirm with BCPSEA that consultations were (i) held with mutual respect and cooperation, and (ii) there is legitimate intent to take into account the concerns of both parties.

It is important to note, that while school districts are required to confirm genuine consultations took place, school districts are not required to confirm that the parties have agreed upon the usage of the LIF.

School districts are required to complete a Confirmation of Genuine Consultation form and submit to BCPSEA by June 7. To be complete, the form must be signed by a representative of the school support staff union local. By signing this form, the union will be confirming that genuine consultations took place that met the required criteria.

Information of the LIF allocations for each B.C. School District can be found on the provincial government website and bcschools.cupe.ca. The genuine consultation form can be found on bcschools.cupe.ca. The LIF regulation, including what it can be use for, can be found here.

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Bulletin – Public Interest Disclosure Act & the K-12 Sector

The Public Interest Disclosure Act came into effect December 2019, and is being phased in to cover provincial public sectors over a five-year period. On December 1, 2023, PIDA began covering the K-12 sector.

PIDA provides a legally protected avenue for employees and former employees to report serious or systemic wrongdoing to their supervisor, a designated officer, or the Ombudsperson.

The BC Ombudsperson, an independent officer of the BC Legislature, is mandated under PIDA to investigate allegations of wrongdoing from public sector employees, and complaints from employees who believe they have been subject to reprisals for reporting wrongdoing, seeking advice about reporting, or participating in an investigation

PIDA requires that all School Districts have at least one Designated Officer to receive and investigate disclosures.

Employees can seek advice or report wrongdoing to their supervisor, the Designated Officer, or directly to the Ombudsperson office. Employees can report reprisals only to the Ombudsperson.

Members can also seek advice from their union. It is important to note that a union’s role under PIDA is to provide general information about what is involved in making a complaint, but not to assess whether allegations would meet the threshold of wrongdoing.

School districts should be informing the Local and members about their procedures for assessing and investigating disclosures. If your school district has not already done so, you may wish to raise it with them.

Reporting wrongdoing to the BC Ombudsperson

If you make a report of wrongdoing to the BC Ombudsperson, an investigator will contact you within 2 business days to clarify the details of your report. You can submit a report of wrongdoing in writing by completing this form.

Once you have submitted your report, you can expect the following:

Review & Assessment

The Office of the BC Ombudsperson will review the information provided to determine if there is a reasonable basis to launch an investigation. This includes assessing whether, if proven, the allegations meet the threshold of wrongdoing under the law. Not all allegations will qualify as potential wrongdoing.  Your identity will be kept confidential during this process. You will be informed of our decision to investigate your report.


BC Ombudsperson investigations are conducted in a timely and fair manner. This includes providing any person who is the subject of an investigation with notice of the allegation and the opportunity to respond. If your report is investigated, additional contact with you will depend on the individual circumstances of the investigation. All investigations are completed as quickly as possible.

Report & Recommendations

Following an investigation, the BC Ombudsperson will issue a report containing any findings and recommendations to the public body involved. The discloser, or person who report the wrongdoing, will also receive a summary of conclusions and findings.  If in the public interest, the BC Ombudsperson may report publicly on the outcome.

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Bulletin – Participate in a nationwide survey on violence and harassment in schools

Since the pandemic, education workers have seen a dramatic increase of violence and harassment in schools. To understand this development, CUPE National’s Research Branch is collaborating with scholars at the University of Ottawa on a new nationwide study that examines education workers’ experiences of physical violence and harassment. In particular, the study explores how intersecting factors such as gender, ethnicity and dis/ability influence those experiences.

This will be the largest study of its kind ever conducted in Canada and one of the few studies to examine the effect of the pandemic on rates and impacts of violence and harassment in schools. We are asking CUPE locals to share information about this research with their membership and to encourage as many education workers as possible to get involved.

Participation entails a 40-minute, online survey that is entirely anonymous and confidential. The survey will ask respondents about their experiences of explicit forms of physical violence as well as other manifestations of harassment, including slurs, insults, put-downs, being ‘ganged up’ on, and damaging accusations. No personal information about who members are or the school(s) in which they work will be collected. The survey can be completed in French or English, and a report on findings will be available in the summer of 2024.

Click here to launch the survey, or copy and paste the link below into your internet browser.


We have linked a poster and a social media shareable announcing the study to this email. We encourage you to distribute them widely to spread the word about this important research.

View PDF here.


Bulletin – Public child care is best for workers

In its efforts to address the province-wide shortage of affordable and accessible child care, the provincial government today announced a $2/hour increase to the wage enhancement for private sector early childhood educators (ECE). This increase will bring the private-sector ECE wage enhancement up to $6/hour effective December 1, 2023. The public-sector ECE wage enhancement will remain at $4/hour.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has told CUPE this subsidy is needed in part because private sector ECE’s make significantly less than those working in the public child care system.

All child care workers in B.C. of course deserve a fair living wage, health benefits and retirement security – public or private sector. But CUPE well knows that the best way to achieve this for workers is with strong properly funded public child care.

Thanks to the work of CUPE members through the CUPE BC public child care campaign, B.C. has recently made great strides in public child care that have benefited families and CUPE members across the province.

CUPE advocacy has been crucial to the launch of 24 seamless child care pilot projects across B.C. The Delta School District’s pilot project, staffed by members of CUPE 1091, was so successful it was expanded to provide even more child care spots in Delta schools.

CUPE’s advocacy was pivotal to the opening of the Nakusp Early Learning Childcare Centre – a new public child care centre staffed by School District 10 workers – members of CUPE 2450. This centre, opened in June 2023, now offers over 80 child care spots all staffed by CUPE members.

And this September, thanks to the efforts of CUPE 723 and the support of the CUPE BC child care campaign, Campbell River SD 72 launched a before- and after-school care program and is building six new public child care centres, providing hundreds of new child care spots staffed by CUPE 723 education assistants – many of whom are now working full-time hours with before- and after-school work.

These are just a few of our most recent successes. We know more successes are possible.

CUPE will continue to advocate for more public child care spaces for B.C. families, and to rise up more B.C. child care workers through a strong publicly funded child care system.

Please take a moment to visit seamlesschildcarenow.ca and send this message to your MLA calling for more public child care.

Bulletin #13 – Support Staff Job Evaluation Committee

Job Evaluation (JE) is an important tool. It is used for measuring work and identifying classification inequities within and between school districts. The purpose of this provincial JE project is to make sure that those doing the same jobs are fairly classified across the province.

Job evaluation project phases

Currently, we are sitting between the completion of phase 3 and the implementation of phase 4.

End of Phase 3 update

Based on the completed 63 locals, there are a total of 2,813 support staff jobs currently entered in JET. That’s a lot of jobs and a lot of hard work completed by the JJECs. All of the jobs entered and matched by the JJECs are then validated closely by the Provincial Job Evaluation Steering Committee.

Stay tuned for our next bulletin about the history of job evaluation

We are working on a detailed backgrounder to share with you about the history of the joint job evaluation program and the importance of this work. We are excited to share it with you.

Provincial Job Evaluation Steering Committee Members:

Kirsten Daub – CUPE K-12 Coordinator
Jane Massy – CUPE, Local 947
Paul Simpson – CUPE, Local 379 & President of K-12 Presidents’ Council
Warren Williams – CUPE 15
Tammy Sowinski – BCPSEA
Chris Beneteau – BCPSEA
Kyle Uno – School District 36
Alanna Cameron – School District 87


Kari Scott-Whyte – CUPE Staff Advisor
Tracey Mathieson– CUPE Staff Advisor
Jackie Bonsal – BCPSEA Staff Advisor
Joe Strain/Ingrid Van Kemanade – BCPSEA Advisor

Committee Support:

Karina Pinto – BCPSEA
Katarina DiSimo – CUPE


Should you have any questions, please contact a member of your District’s Joint Job Evaluation Committee, Kirsten Daub, CUPE, at kdaub@cupe.ca; or Joe Strain, BCPSEA, at joestrainprovje@gmail.com.

Further Information

Please visit the Joint Job Evaluation Program website section for past information bulletins.

View bulletin.