Bulletin – Standing in solidarity with Alberta CUPE education workers

Over 4000 education workers in the Alberta K-12 public school system are on strike. These CUPE members are fighting back against years of provincial governments mandated wages that have left K-12 workers struggling to get by.

So far, nine CUPE locals across the province are on the picket lines. The members represented by these locals have seen their wages lag further and further behind inflation. With over a 10 percent vacancy of school support jobs in the province, the low-wages and poor working conditions have made recruiting and retaining staff a challenge for Alberta school districts.

CUPE education workers are standing up for themselves, and the students and families that depend on them every school day. They are standing up for better supports for better Alberta schools. And they need our support to keep standing strong.

We are urging our B.C. K-12 locals to write letters of support to our friends and fellow school support workers on the picket line in Alberta and consider donating to their strike support fund.

Please send a message to our Alberta friends – B.C. has got your back!